Contact Lenses
Contacts For Sports
Gain freedom from your spectacles for sports. Contacts can provide an unobstructed improved field of view, and offer better safety, particularly for impact sports
Multifocal Contacts
Advancements in contact lens technology now means its possible to correct distance and near vision for presbyopes. Contacts could be an alternative to your varifocal or bifocal spectacles.
Contacts for Astigmatism
Astigmatism is usually caused by irregular curvature of the cornea. Specific contacts that match the curvature and angle/axis of your cornea are often required. We have an excellent selection of toric lenses to help correct for astigmatism.
Gas Permeable
Gas permeable lenses, also known as rigid gas permeable lenses have been successfully used by many over the last 40 years. Although they are less popular than soft lenses, they still offer some advantages. They are very durable, breathable and can offer very sharp visual clarity.